- Phase: growth
- For growing in soil and cocos.
- Dosage: 2-4ml/L
BioBizz Bio-Grow is a fertilizer that promotes lush growth and is suitable for soil, cocos, and hydroponics. Made with sugar beet molasses, rich in betaine that will give everything your plant needs for the first life cycle, they will thrive and become big, strong, and healthy.
The fertilizer optimally favors the transport of sugar to all parts of the plant. Enriched with 70 trace elements and vitamins B1, B2, C, and E, Bio-Grow is the ideal fertilizer for herbs, vegetables, and young plants. You can use this fertilizer in drip irrigation systems.
Usage & Dosage:
Complete liquid plant nutrient. To be used during the plant's whole cycle (vegetative and flowering period).
2 - 4 ml per liter of water. Use with every watering.
NPK: 4.0-3.0-6.0
Nitrogen (N): 4.0%
Phosphorus (P): 3.0%
Potassium (K): 3.53%
Humic acids: 5.6%
Organic Carbon: 27.7%
Vitamins B1, B2,C and E